Is Your Costume Scarier Than Your Food This Halloween?
“Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble” – Macbeth
While the three witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth may have been brewing my childhood nightmares over a cauldron, there’s something even scarier living in your grocery store. It’s threatening to infiltrate your house, stomach, and nightmares…
It goes by names like preservatives and over-processed foods. And, if you’re not careful this they’ll claw their way into your home. How scary is that?! The Good thing about this monster is that it’s easy to banish down to the depths with our wholesome, real ingredients and better for you products.
If you’ve been celebrating GUACtober with us, then you already know that Good Foods guacamole contains the highest quality ingredients and nothing artificial. Our hand-scooped goodness is definitely worth a boo-yah!
Create a spooky delicious Halloween grazing table that your friends and family will never forget; Just like this monster mash up of Buffalo Style Dip and Artichoke Dip with chicken or fun guac bats! Have a fangtastic evening…